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The 10 Rules for Social Media Marketing That Work

The 10 Rules for Social Media Marketing That Work

There are quite a few rules that you should follow on social media and the funny thing is that they mostly work differently for different social media networks.

For example, with Facebook, if you post too often then people get bored of you, but with Twitter, if you do not post regularly then people get bored of you. 

With Instagram a few quick images that you upload in the moment will get you traffic, but with Pinterest you need carefully curated themes, images and ides.

1. Do not post too often on Facebook and YouTube

People like to see high quality posts as oppose to numerous posts. Plus, there is no real benefit for posting too many too often because you actually lower the chances of your target audience seeing all of your posts. It is arrogant to think that they are going to visit every, ergo are going to see your frequent posts.

2. Post as often as you like on Twitter

As it said in the introduction, Twitter is a little different. Twitter is a micro-blogging social media network and is therefore open to you posting something regularly. Some people post three or four times per day. 

Just so long as all of your posts are not promotional, and at least one of them is interesting, then there is no reason why you cannot post three or four times per day too.

3. Do not be overly promotional on your social media posts

This is something that a lot of people do, and they do not realize that people are not logging onto social media in order to be marketed to.

They are logging on for some sort of online social intercourse. That is why you need to make some of your posts a little more personal and friendly, instead of using the social media networks as some sort of advertising board.

4. Make a post interesting and you gain more support

You need to give people an incentive to actually look at your social media posts, and one incentive is that your posts are interesting and engaging. If you create interesting posts then people will not mind looking at them. 

They will also be less averse to coming back another day to see what you have posted. Furthermore, they will let you get away with posting a few purely promotional posts.

5. High quality videos on YouTube are almost as good as hilarious videos

High quality is a massive thing when it comes to YouTube. This is mainly because low quality videos are so commonplace and are such a turn off. People hate watching videos with poor quality acting, visuals and audio. 

Make your video worth watching all the way to the end, and make sure that you are getting the basics right (screenplay, acting, audio and visual).

6. Give people a “to be continued” incentive to visit your website

This is a great little trick for getting people off of your social media profile and onto your website. You start something on social media that is engaging, fun or interesting, and you work it up until an almost end. 

But, near the end you give them something similar to a cliff hanger and tell them that the rest of the post is available on your website. Then give them a link to your website and hopefully they will go over and have a look.

7. Make friends on LinkedIN if you want to take full advantage of it

LinkedIN is not like most of the others that give you full access. Sure, you have to make friends on Facebook, but you are not really restricted from making numerous friends or restricted in the sites function if you do not make many. 

However, LinkedIN will only really function well (for you) if you make lots of contacts. So, make sure that you connect with as many people as possible. The more people you make friends with, then the more opportunities will become available on the site.

8. More images on Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, means more traffic

Posting a bunch of images on your other social media sites is not a bad thing, but it will not push up your traffic as much as it will if you post images on Pinterest, Flickr and Instagram. The ones on Flickr you can also mirror on other social media networks too. 

Pinterest, Flickr and Instagram are powered by images in the same way that YouTube is powered by videos, so add more and add them frequently if you want to take full advantage of the social media networks.

9. Offer discount codes that are exclusive to just one social media profile

If you do this, then people have an incentive to pay a visit to that social media profile. If you give out that discount code everywhere, then it gives people no incentive to go to your social media profile, and no incentive to keep going back to your social media profile.

10. Talk to people and try to make friends

Social media is built to be social. You are supposed to be on there to make friends and connect with people. Social media marketing has nothing to do with two-way communication from many people’s points of view, and that is why they fail to make an impact on the social media networks.

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