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Treats And Tricks Of Holiday Event Marketing

Treats And Tricks Of Holiday Event Marketing

Many business owners around the world are celebrating the fact that Christmas, maybe the biggest commercial holiday ever, is just around the corner, and people everywhere will start buying gifts for their loved ones.

This is quite good indeed; a successful holiday event marketing campaign can mean a lot of profits, if of course it is done correctly. Event marketing is a very old concept, but it wasn’t implemented that much until recent times. So what is an event marketing and how can we make it work?

What is “Event Marketing’

An event marketing is the process of acquiring customers by organizing some sort of an event. It can be anything; from ball games and sporting events, to any sort of ‘themed’ activity that would bring in the crowds. 

When we talk about holiday event marketing, it is obvious that we will be discussing a Christmas themed marketing event, for it is scientifically proven that people are more gullible during the winter holidays. 

The main idea behind any event marketing campaign, is to get your name across the local population. Brand awareness it is called, and it is a fast and easy way to get the public familiar with your product or service.

How to organize an event marketing campaign?

Decide what you want to do

First of all, you will have to start by deciding what kind of holiday-themed marketing event will bring in the most money. The best thing is to have a big sale (if you are in the retail business), or reduced service costs if you are in the service sector. 

In the US, this sort of holiday event is called Black Friday, and it is very known as probably the biggest holiday marketing event in existence. Thousands of people flood the malls annually to get a piece of the action; and sometimes things tend to get rather intense.

Find a good venue

The second thing you need to do is to find a suitable venue for your marketing campaign. If you own a store of some sort, it is best if you just host the event there; you can save up on a lot of money this way. 

If you have something special in mind, like giving children slay rides, finding the proper location becomes even more important. Renting some big community hall is always an option; but I wouldn’t advise anyone to spend that much money on a project they have no idea how to run. 

Bigger venues with more action, are reserved for people who have done at least a couple of holiday even marketing events and know their way around a crowd.

Give the people what they want

In order for your marketing event to work, you must figure out the reason why people are so willing to spend most of their hard earned savings on stuff, that they will throw in the closet as soon as New Year’s. 

Well, it is because this holiday had been so commercialized by the likes of Coca Cola and other capitalist venturists, that people feel like they are expected to dish out check, after check after check (just people trying to buy some happiness). 

But to fleece people out of their money, you need to remind them that they must spend because it is Christmas. Your products should be the exact representation and embodiment of the Christmas holidays.

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