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Why Fast and Reliable Broadband is a Must for Modern Businesses

Why Fast and Reliable Broadband is a Must for Modern Businesses

Successfully riding the digital wave is a must for modern businesses and, as part of this, companies need access to fast and reliable broadband. Without such services, they can run into a series of problems and they may struggle to compete with rival enterprises.

It is no surprise therefore that many organisations now turn to firms such as Chess for business broadband services.


Recently, comparison site uSwitch revealed the findings of a study it conducted concerning broadband speeds around the country. It found that the street of ErwFawr in Henryd, near Conwy in North Wales, has the slowest broadband speed in the whole of the UK. 

It registered just 0.6 megabytes per second, which is 30 times slower than the British average of 18 megabytes per second.

One man who knows only too well the negative impact that slow broadband can have on a company’s prospects is local driving school owner Kim Forbes. Speaking to the Daily Post, the businessman noted that his poor internet connection puts him at a disadvantage.

According to Mr Forbes, it can take him up to 15 minutes simply to reply to a Facebook message from a customer, making him look “unprofessional”. It also takes him a long time to find addresses using Google Maps.

Customer service

As Mr Forbes alluded to, ineffective broadband connections can have a detrimental impact on customer service. These days, people expect to be able to contact firms via email and social media. If companies do not respond to these communications promptly, they can quickly fall out of favour among their target audience.

Flexible working

Fast broadband has helped companies across the UK to roll out flexible working practices among their employees. With the right web solutions in place, it is easy for firms to ensure their personnel have access to the relevant data and communications, whether they are at home or in different offices.

However, if organisations lack speedy and reliable broadband, they can struggle to offer these opportunities to their staff members. As a result, such companies risk missing out on a host of potential advantages, including improved worker morale, better recruitment and retention and enhanced productivity.

Time is money

The old adage ‘time is money’ may seem a little clichéd, but it is no less true now than when it was first coined. In today’s competitive marketplace, companies simply cannot afford to waste valuable time waiting for data to download.

Whether they are conducting research, communicating with customers and suppliers or engaging in other web-related activities, businesses need fast internet.


Without suitable broadband connections, firms cannot take advantage of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services either. These systems, which include Skype and FaceTime, can cut companies’ phone bills and they also enable them to hold video conferences. 

In turn, they can help businesses to reduce the time and money they spend physically travelling to meetings.

A proactive approach

Rather than simply putting up with shoddy internet connections, firms can benefit from adopting a proactive stance. By arranging fast and effective broadband, they stand to boost their long-term prospects.

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