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Brand Philosophy: What is Brand Philosophy?

Brand Philosophy

The brand philosophy is something that sets your company apart from the rest. It can be a powerful tool for creating a unique customer experience, building trust with your audience, and generating revenue streams.

The best way to define what is your brand philosophy is by answering these questions:

  • What do you do?
  • Why do you do it?
  • How will customers interact with this mission?

By answering these questions, we can begin to develop your brand strategy and ensure that all aspects of our business are aligned with our core values.

Define your purpose

Defining your purpose is the first step to establishing a brand philosophy. The following questions will help you get started:

What does your brand stand for?

Who are you trying to reach?

How do you want to be perceived by your audience?

What is your mission?

It's important to define the goals of your business and how you'll achieve them. A mission statement is a powerful tool that can help guide your brand in the right direction when it comes to strategy, marketing and more.

A good mission statement makes it clear what your business is all about, how you're going to accomplish this goal and why it's important. It should be an aspirational goal with an implied "and we believe that…" at the end. For example: “We provide training classes for dogs so they can become better companions for their owners."

The purpose of any brand philosophy is so that employees know where they stand within their company culture and what values are most important to them as individuals within the greater whole of its culture (i.e., if you don't have one then who knows?).

How will your customers interact with you?

It’s impossible to talk about customer service without first talking about how important it is.

If you want to win over customers, you need to treat them like people and not numbers. Your brand philosophy should include a commitment to providing great customer experiences that are consistent across the board. You may even see some benefits from focusing on the customer service experience before anything else:

  • Customer service is key to building trust between your brand and your customers
  • Customer service helps build loyalty among existing customers (and potential ones)
  • A well-trained team can be an invaluable asset in any industry
  • Make sure you have a consistent message

Consistency is key. It’s important to have a clear message for your customers, internal team and investors. There’s no room for ambiguity or confusion when it comes to who you are and what you stand for as a brand. 

If the people behind your company don't agree with the brand philosophy, then it will be very difficult to get them all singing from the same hymn sheet later on down the line.


The brand philosophy is not just a statement of what your company stands for. It’s a roadmap to the future, one that can help guide you in your decision making and keep the vision consistent across all aspects of your business. If you want to create something that stands apart from its competitors, then having a clear brand philosophy is essential.

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