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Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix

Do you know what Marketing Mix is? Marketing Mix is ​​one of the terms in the marketing world or English it is called marketing, where marketing itself is an integrated communication process to provide information about the goods or services we offer related to how to satisfy the needs and desires of consumers.

Before discussing further what and how Marketing Mix is, it wouldn't hurt if we knew a little about the meaning of marketing itself. The basic understanding of marketing is very simple, namely the process of fulfilling human needs that become human desires themselves. Very easy, right?

As an illustration, humans need to drink, of course, so they will consume it at home. But making the water easy to consume and carry anywhere is the desire of the man. 

Thus, mineral drink brands were born that we're able to capture the message of these human needs and desires. It's very simple, isn't it? And we can understand the nature of the concept in the world of marketing. So what is called the Marketing Mix about the world of marketing?

Modern Marketing Concepts 

Well, in this increasingly modern world, business people must always put their brains to continue to do marketing so that the company continues to exist. This of course requires mature strategies in marketing existing products. 

The reason is the existence of the business world that continues to squirm, making the climate of competition even tougher and even heating up.

Once there is an orderly product, pricing, and distribution, then the final process is selling or marketing. One of the marketing concepts in today's modern marketing world then recognizes the term, Marketing Mix.

Please note, the concept of Marketing Mix is ​​one of the marketing activities that determine the company's success in pursuing maximum profit because it uses all the existing instruments in all marketing spaces within a company.

From here then, an expert named Swastha interpreted that Marketing Mix is ​​a combination or mix of four core variables of a marketing system; product, price, promotion, and distribution system in a company. 

As the name implies, Mix means to combine or combine, so the Marketing Mix is ​​a marketing effort that combines the four main elements in the corporate world. 

Meanwhile, DW Foster argues that Marketing Mix is ​​a term that describes all elements of marketing and production factors that are deliberately deployed to achieve business goals, such as increasing profits or income, assets invested in shares or other forms, high sales turnover, even market to dominate.

Meanwhile, several important supporting components in the world of Marketing Mix are such as trademarks, types of goods, packaging, and also services. 

In addition, several other components are no less important, namely sales, supervision, transportation, distribution networks, and so on. So what are the benefits of the Marketing Mix itself for the company?

In the business world, once again marketing or marketing plays an important role in tackling the mountain of profits. The benefit of the Marketing Mix for the company is to make a plan where the company immediately determines the policy in the competition to dominate the existing market. 

Meanwhile, from a scientific point of view, studying the Marketing Mix is ​​directing which combinations are suitable for the company's needs related to program development to increase company turnover.

Elements of the Marketing Mix

Agree or disagree, in the Marketing Mix these four elements are determinants for conducting thorough market analysis in a company because from there the progress of a company can be initiated as well as elements that are the focus of controlling the development of our company. 

It would be better if the four main things in the world of Marketing Mix were then understood one by one to help understand further.

Product Elements

First, product elements. As is known, by definition is something that can be offered to a market audience to get attention for immediate possession, use, and consumption to be able to satisfy human needs.

The type of product itself is not only in the form of goods, but also services and other wishes to describe something that can fulfill someone's wishes. 

Therefore, products can be created by knowing the development of consumer needs through market research to suit the needs and desires of consumers. In the Marketing Mix, products cannot be separated.

Price Element

Second, price. As is known, price is a tool for the value of an item. In addition, in the eyes of producers, price is also a determinant of market demand and affects the position of competitors to win consumers.

In other conditions, the price is nothing but an indicator of the purchasing power of goods. Be careful in setting prices because the big task of setting prices is that people can buy them but also benefit the company. This is also inseparable from the concept of Marketing Mix. 

The Place Element

Third, place. There are products and there are prices, but it would be very strange if there was no place where these items could be obtained. 

A good place is a place where buyers can easily find our products. The Marketing Mix concept calls for this because the place is another element where our products are displayed.

In this modern era, places are no longer understood as outlets or stalls in the real world. Understanding Marketing Mix can also be applied to the concept of Marketing Mix in cyberspace or online business. The place referred to here is a website where we display the products that we will sell. 


Fourth, promotion. Well, this promotion concept is very important in the Marketing Mix concept because it is related to the sales process. 

When viewed from the side of meaning, promotion is the action of companies or individuals in conveying information and influencing and even being able to attract consumers directly to the products we sell. So this is where promotional activities are a very effective way in terms of seizing consumers on the market.

The promotion also should not stop because every new product in the world of Marketing Mix must always be informed continuously so that it sticks in the minds of consumers. Thus, they will decide to choose the products we sell.

Marketing Mix Internet Age 

The development of the times can not be prevented. Thus, IT-based businesses were born. It is something common nowadays, where shops are mushrooming online. 

This certainly provides convenience for the buyer because he just sits and clicks on the menus, then the goods will be sent immediately after making the transfer.

Of course, this is indeed a limited buying and selling process because it can only be done by certain circles and not everyone can access the internet. It's just that according to the survey, that there has been a surge in internet users in Indonesia. This is a separate market for those who want to apply the Marketing Mix in cyberspace.

Well, the Marketing Mix also turns out to be true in the internet world. The four components discussed at the outset are the same as opening a real shop. 

The difference is that we are only required to be more observant and careful in managing the place; starting from the display, content, purchasing system, payment, delivery, and others. 

Well, that's how the Marketing Mix has penetrated the virtual world and will not stop as long as business activities are still on earth. 

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